60 GÜN

Fiction, Turkish; English sub., Türkiye, 2023, Color, 97’

Latif marries Semiha but finds out she’s not a virgin. To protect her from any aggresive reaction from her siblings, the couple decide to live together for two months before seeking a divorce. However, Latif’s growing affection for Semiha complicates their predetermined separation and they decide to stand together against others for sake of love.

Director : İsmail Doruk

Producer : İsmail Doruk

Screenplay : İsmail Doruk

Dop : Sezgin Denkci

Editing : Aytekin Birkon

Cast : Başak Cingöz, Hüseyin Bora Kırkım, Halil İbrahim Kalaycıoğlu, Aliye Uzunatağan, Aydın Orak, Burcu Yüce, Emir Ensari Dal, Muhammet Cangören, Şehnaz Dilan, Ahmet Eren Yıldız, Zeynep Aytekin, Ali İhsan Yıldırım, Sezgin Denkçi, Emre Kuday