Documentary; Turkish; TurkishEnglish-Arabic subtitles; Türkiye; 2022; Color.

The documantary Forever Thirty-Three refers to the first original encyclopedia compiled and completed in Islamic Geography regarding the 1500-year journey of Islamic culture and civilization. The story unfolds through two fictional characters: Niyaz and Ekmel. Niyaz is a young academician who has graduated from the faculty of theology, while Ekmel is a sixty-year-old professor at the university. The paths of these two characters intersect in the Turkish Religious Foundation Islamic Encyclopedia. The remarkable story of one of the most significant cultural movements in the history of the Republic of Turkey has been brought to life with a collective memory spanning 33 years...

Director :  Murat Pay
Producer : Halil Kardaş
Screenplay :Selman Kılıçaslan
DOP : Sedat Şahin
Editing : Sabri Eren Öztürk
Cast : Hüseyin Soysalan, Birhan Tut, Kübra Tüzgün, Mehmet Beyazıt Uzgaş, Barçın Çalış, Mert Asker, İsmail Düvenci, İlhan Görmek, Mustafa Karaoğlu, Muttalip Müjdeci, Alper Banko, Reyhan Nur Çalıkoğlu, Koray Kuru, İnci Cevher Uzgaş, Abdullah Kurt, Zeki Ocak