9th Bosphorus Film Festival National Short Fiction, National Short Documentary, International Short Fiction and International Short Documentary competition jury members have been announced.
With the contribution of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism Cinema General Directorate, official partnership of TRT and support of Global Communications Partner Anadolu Agency, taking place on 23-30 October and organized by the Bosphorus Culture and Arts Foundation, the 9th Bosphorus Film Festival Short Fiction and Short Documentary competition jury members have been announced.
This Year’s Best Short Fiction Will Be Selected By Eylem Kaftan, Mahdi Fleifel and Murat Uğurlu!
The jury members at the festival for this year’s fiction competitions are director Eylem Kaftan who won the Best Editing award with The Hive at the 7th Bosphorus Film Festival, director Mahdi Fleifel who won the Silver Bear at Berlinale and had a European Film Nomination with his film A Man Returned and was at the Official Competition at the 70th Cannes Film Festival with his film A Drowning Man, director Murat Uğurlu who won the Best National Short Fiction awards at the 4th Bosphorus Film Festival with Two Pieces and at the 8th Bosphorus Film Festival with his film Temple.
In the National Short Fiction and International Short Fiction competitions where fiction, animation and experimental films compete, best films will each be awarded 10.000 TL for the Best Short Fiction award, while one film in the national short fiction category will be awarded 5.000 TL for the Young Talent Award by Istanbul Media Academy to support young short film makers.
Armin Hadzic, Diana Ashimova and Ensar Altay Are In The Jury For Short Documentary Competition
The jury members for the festival’s short documentary competition consist of Sarajevo Film Festival Industry Department Direcor Armin Hadzic, Bastau International Student and Debut Film Festival Artistic Director Diana Ashimova, director Ensar Altay who won numerous national and international awards with his 2012 documentary Guardian of Angels and the Special Jury Prize at the 8th Bosphorus Film Festival with his film Kodokushi.
In the National and International Short Documentary competitions, the Best Short Documentary award winners will each recieve a cash prize of 10.000 TL, while all films in the shorts competiton will directly become a nominee for the Ahmet Uluçay Grand Award of 25.000 TL.
The 9th Bosphorus Film Festival will take place on 23-30 October, organized by the Bosphorus Culture and Art Foundation in Istanbul.