To be organized during October 19-24 as the industry side of 7th Bosphorus Film Festival, with the aim of providing contribution to the production of feature films, Bosphorus Film Lab reveals the selected projects.
To be organized during October 19-24 as the industry side of 7th Bosphorus Film Festival, with the aim of providing contribution to the production of feature films, Bosphorus Film Lab reveals the selected projects.
Besides TRT Co-production Award, the projects attending the Project Develop-ment section will, this year, be vying for PostBıyık Color Correction Award; latest support of Bosphorus Film Festival. The projects will be judged by Faruk Güven (TRT Co-productions and Foreign Productions Manager), Hugo Rosak (KVIFF, Eastern Promises Days), and Evgeniya Tirdatova (Moscow IFF).
In addition, the participants will attend in the workshops to be held during 19-24 October with the film professionals, and will develop their projects in terms of co-production, pitching and preparing financial plan.
Organized with the institutional partnership of TRT, with the aim of contributing to the development of the films from Turkey, and creating financial and moral support for the young directors and producers, this year’s Bosphorus Film Lab’s selection is;
*Anadolu Parsı / Anatolian Panther - Director: Orçun Köksal - Producer: Alara Hamamcıoğlu, Arda Çiltepe – Production Company: Vigo Film
*Bildiğin Gibi Değil / Not As You Know It - Director: Vuslat Saraçoğlu - Producer: Vuslat Saraçoğlu - Production Company: Streç Film
*Cam Perde / Glass Curtain - Director: Fikret Reyhan - Producer: Nizamettin Reyhan - Production Company: FNR Yapım
*Döngü / The Cycle - Director: Erkan Tahhuşoğlu - Producer: Erkan Tahhuşoğlu - Production Company: Şiyara Yapım
*Gülizar / Gülizar - Director: Belkıs Bayrak - Producer: Öktem Başol, Murat Yaşar Bayrak - Production Company: Saba Film
*Hazine / Treasure - Director: Canbert Yerguz - Producer: Canbert Yerguz, Şebnem Kitiş - Production Company: Ptot Film Yapım
*İlk Taşı En Dertli Olan Atsın / Let Who Has The Most Grudge Cast The First Stone - Director: İleri Âtıl Çayan İnanç Producer: Derya Tarım - Production Company: Lacivert Film
*Kar ve Ayı / Snow and the Bear - Director: Selcen Ergun - Producer: Nefes Po-lat - Production Company: Nefes’ Film
*Son Celse / Final Hearing - Director: Ümran Safter - Producer: Suraj Sharma - Production Company: Ekim Medya
*X Land - Director: Kıvılcım Akay - Producer: Aslıhan Altuğ - Production Company: Akay Yapım
And the selected projects for the Work in Progress category will be evaluated by Bianca Taal (IFFR Rotterdam), Serdar Can (CGV Mars Distribution General Man-ager) and Emma Boa (Edinburgh IFF), where two projects will be presented with 25,000 TL worth T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism Special Award and CGV Mars Film Distribution Award.
This year’s selection of Work in Progress category:
Bir Düş Gördüm - I Had A Dream - Director: Murat Çeri - Production Company: Filimetre Medya Yapım ve Organizasyon
Mavzer - Mauser - Director: Fatih Özcan - Producer: Enes Erbay - Production Company: Teferruat Film Yapım ve İnternet Satış Hiz. Ltd. Şti.
Körleşme - Going Blind - Director: Hacı Osman - Producer: Hacı Orman - Produc-tion Company: Praksis Film
Af - Forgiveness - Director: Cem Özay - Producer: Cem Özay - Production Com-pany: ABC Film Yapım
Ebedi Uykusuz - Restless Forever - Director: İlke Yeşilay - Producer: Zafer Yeşilay - Production Company: Greenmoon Film
Ali'nin Tabiatı - Ali's Nature - Director: Levent Çetin – Producer: Canol Balkaya
Selection of First Cut Lab has also been announced!
3 projects selected to the First Cut Lab, a workshop programme designed to de-velop the feature film projects in editing phase in accordance with the interna-tional standards, are also revealed:
Sardunya (Geranium) by Çağıl Bocutoğlu
Cemil Şov (The Cemil Show) by Barış Sarhan
Okul Tıraşı (Deskmate) by Ferit Karahan
Appointed by Matthieu Darras, the director of First Cut Lab, the team of Turkey edition consists of the film professionals including Jacques Comets, the most ac-claimed editor and editing consultant in France; Programme Director Maartje Al-ders; producer Dagne Vildžiūnaite from Just A Moment Production Company; producer Konstantinos Kontovrakis from Heretic Film Production Company; and Festival Programmer Arnaud Gourmelen from Angers Film Festival.
First Cut Lab will be realized on October 19-24.
7th Bosphorus Film Festival will be held with the contribution of Republic of Tur-key Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cinema, and with the support of TRT as the Institutional Partner, Anadolu Agency as the Global Communication Partner, and TürkMedya as the Institutional Communication Partner.
Tickets are on sale at BiletiniAl!
Organized by International Bosphorus Cinema Association and Istanbul Media Academy, 7th Bosphorus International Film Festival will run this year from Octo-ber 18-25 in Istanbul and the screenings will take place in Atlas, Beyoğlu and Kadıköy movie theatres.
Just To Bring Everyone to Films!
The tickets for all short film screenings will be available for 5 TL, and for feature films, regular tickets for the first three daily screening sessions will be available for 10 TL and 15 TL for others. Student tickets will be available for 5 TL for all screenings. Starting from October 7, festival tickets will be on sale at